

the world is ending, anyone notice?
i have, yeah. man. i'm scared. aren't you? where do we go.. when the world explodes? how do i prepare.. for what is SURE to be a disaster? will i be under the water.. on a train? i hope i'm fucking when it happens. i guess. i just hope it doesn't happen. oh, i want change. new. growth. yeah yeah. but praise be to bowie, i want to LIVE. forever. that's been the plan so far. TO LIVE FOREVER. 
so? buying some water, and bags of peanuts... first aid kick.. you know. but to REALLY prepare. i'm upping my enjoyment. yes, sir.. madam. upping it. RED ALERT. i need pleasures at all times. THESE MOMENTS HERE? this one right now? could be the very last. and while i can't say that i've done all i've wanted to do, or have even gotten close.. i KNOW that i can enjoy the shit out of some seconds. and that is what i intend to do. to make this worth it.
come to me, enjoyers. let us make this damn trip worth it.

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