

i'm a hipster and a boof
i know, and i love it. while my glasses carry prescription lenses, and my bike is.. non existent. i'm still hip. i live in the hood, i'm white. i sing in a band that practices in a garage in san fransisco's The Mission. i have facebook, blogspot, twitter, tumblr, okcupid, tribe. animals skins, feathers and faces line the walls of my one bedroom apartment.. that i share with my two cats. rescued roof cats. i shop at american apparel and vintage clothing stores. i love jefferey campbell. i have ass tattoo. i have undercut. septum pierced, nose cluttered with piercings. hairy armpits. biker boots, leopard flats, dirty dirty clothes. i walk, everywhere. i'm bad at dancing. my ex boyfriend, is my boyfriend and he wears a beat up hat and beard. instead of using tampons and pads, i just bleed all over myself...  and think that's really cool. i have like, a thousand facebook friends and like a thousand sweet photos of me n costumes, beer in hand, cig in mouth. i go back stage, i'm always with the band. trailer park boys, the x-files and twin peaks are three of my favorite shows. i work in advertising. 
i do drugs, a lot. and enjoy them, a lot. 
and don't give a fuck.. a lot.
ok ok ok ok. i think that'll do her. know you know. 


  1. While I read this I thought; whoa this should be a rap. Anyway, love your blog. Can I link? read the whole article..intresting

  2. hahahaha HOLLLLA
    yeah, link your ass off - link whatever you want.. whatever that means.
    thank you kindly

  3. there needs to be a facebook relationship status for "still fucking my ex, but it's not a big deal or anything" for people like us
