

i'm a model now. you can tell by all the pictures i take of myself.

last night my COMPANY threw another scavenger hunt. if i was a real blogger i'd link you to a post ten thousand years ago. a year ago.. about the last one. but i just suck. so? we won, again. duh. 
so, now im hungover ass fuck. my vagina stinks and i have a huge zit. everything is great. i love everyone and i'm as happy as can be. i almost ate while pooped today, but i chickened out at the last second. oh, hey! check out my sweet new shirt. fuck, what to say. 
i'm a picture of beauty and freshness. lick my asses.
we posed with a cop
 we flossed from one string
and we all wore the same lipstick. see that? we love each other.
we did a lot of other amazing things. i will probably show you... since i'm a loser.wait! what am i saying? 
models aren't losers. they're hot.

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