
there is no number needed for this post, it is simply a statement. 
if you have to say, "just sayin" after you said it, then why the fuck did you say it?
we know you are "just sayin" you're fucking saying it. and if you mean, "just sayin" in an abner milquetoast kind of passive aggressive bullshit fucked ass way. then just shut up and stop talking. 
fuck all mighty. but if you mean literally, "i am just saying words right now and they have absolutely no meaning" please carry on and expect me, the most important one in the world, to completey disregard said words, and all that may or may not come after it. that's right, i have such disdain for the saying "just sayin" that i will disregard words you may not say. 

1 comment:

  1. hey everyone! check my blog at rubysjustsayin blogidy blogidy dot com. - her mom
