

five six seven gettin' throat cancer suckin' all the dicks in heaven
shit, give me a moment to get back into the swing of things. OK?
here's my ass:
 remember that whole BOWIE BAND thing? it's real. and it's still goin' strong. we played a mASSive show a few weeks back. i'm still flyin' high. here are some snaps of pic for you to enjoy while i figure out how to entertain you. xo
uncle sally and her legs
the boys in the band
(all the above photos are by the very talented emi stanley

here's something odd for you to chew on.
when i was a kid, i thought that all the poop that hung out inside your body hung out inside your butt cheeks. i was a brilliant child. so? so logically, if you pooped, your butt cheeks would deflate.
this is what i thought.
and now that i'm old, i know better. and i say PRAISE HIM!
if our butt cheeks flattened out like a sat on whoopie cushion every time we dropped a deuce... well? just where would we be?
nowhere. that's where. 

here are some more photos
 the diamond dolls
oh we! we have such a good time. 

goodbye forever

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