

i got stoned last night
put on some makeup 
and photographed myself
the following posts are a result of that
an outfit post, of sorts. you know? i was thinking last night, in my hazy daze... i've sort of abandoned all fashion related, uhm. relatedness here at OH SHIT! i was in my room, which is basically my entire apartment... stoned. i'm sorry? did i mention that i was high last night already? 
(coworkers who all MYSTERIOUSLY know about this here blog, high/stoned is code for full. of beans. i ate a lot of beans last night, you dig.)
right, so i was stoned, looking at some shoes i got last weekend. then i thought to myself (i did), why don't i ever blog about real stuff anymore? like the shoes i buy? all i do it photo my face, talk about drugs and say FUCK. oh really, who's complaining.  i love it over here. anyways. here is my outfit post of sorts. lipstick? BLACK, bought it from the black lady beauty store on telegraph. yes, mmhmm. my sweet little tank top here is from american apparel. i actually bought it there. delirious. i know. bracelet may or may not be from mexico. i really have no knowledge, just know i've had it for like 10 years. the rings, you know about. please tell me you remember?  below all this nonsense, there are pants. jeans. nine dollar jeans from forever 21. and a belt. with buckle. both vintage. and underpants too. cuz my vagina is sick. 
and that, ladies and gentlemen. is mother fucking that.